The CentriFlow Meter from Eastern Instruments is a Solid Particle Mass Flow Meter that is durable, accurate, maintenance-free, compact, and cost-effective. It is unique and positioned to replace weigh belts, impact meters, loss in weight meters, and static weigh scales, anywhere that accuracy, low maintenance, and zero drift are paramount.
Please see below for a variety of material test reports, videos and product application bulletins for applications in the petrochemical industry. From oil extraction to plastics manufacturing and beyond, the CentriFlow line of flow meters can measure your solids products accurately and effectively. If you do not see your particular product, contact us about our free product testing today.
The CentriFlow Meter can be used in the petrochemical industry for a variety of applications ranging from measuring plastic pellets as silos are being filled, to controlling the amount of frac sand that is used during oil extraction. The type of CentriFlow Meter, including the various options that are utilized will be determined by the product that you would like to measure. Whether measuring powders or pellets, chips or granules there is a CentriFlow Meter that is just right for your application.
Please click on the rotating pictures or the links below for a variety of test reports and videos of the CentriFlow Meter measuring a variety of petrochemical products including plastics, various rubber materials, materials used in the extraction process and more. If you don't see your product, don't worry. We have probably measured it before.
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The CentriFlow Meter is specially suited to measuring products within the petrochemical industry as it can be specially formulated for very powdery products as well as highly abrasive products such as Petroleum Coke.

The CentriFlow Meter can be used to measure a variety of products that are used during the production and processing of petroleum. Some of the products that have been measured in the past include drill cuttings and frac sand.

The CentriFlow Meter has been positioned after pelletizers in order to measure the continuous rate of output of plastic pellets. Meters have also been used in a variety of industries measuring a variety of plastics, including pellets, recycled plastic bottles, chipped PET plastic and even ground plastic bags.

The CentriFlow Meter has been successfully implemented within a variety of industries that utilize rubber as a key ingredient within their process including tire manufacturing and mulch production.